Last week on the blog we talked about setting goals as a family and helping our children set goals. This week we are talking all about goal planning with toddlers! Yep, even toddlers can get in on the fun and set their sights on learning some new skills in the new year.
Here are our top 8 Toddler New Year’s Goals:
- Read a book with mom or dad every night before bed
Starting the tradition while they are young is always a great idea! What’s even more fun is letting your toddler pick out the book they want to “read” each night before bed. Let them grab their book of choice from their nightstand (even if you have read that same book for the last 22 days in a row :). By now they might even be able to read it to you! Which is also such a good skill to start learning. Hearing the words and being able to recite them from memory is the first step in learning to read. If you are looking for some great toddler book recommendations, this is a wonderful list to get you started! So many options to choose from and at great price points too (which we love!)
- Create a chore chart and add one chore per age of the child
Helping around the house is such a wonderful skill to teach our children. We suggest giving your child responsibilities that are age appropriate by delegating one task per age of the child. If your toddler is 2, they would have 2 items on their chore chart that they are responsible for. Examples could be, helping to pick up my toys before bed every night and brushing my teeth every night before bed. When they turn 3, they get 3 tasks, etc. Allowing kids to take ownership in being a valued member of the household is so rewarding for them! And for an added bonus, having a fun chore chart that is all their own so they can track their progress is so much fun! One of our favorites is the Melissa and Doug® Magnetic Responsibility Chart. It’s interactive and easy to put in a place that toddlers can use. You can mix and match chores with colors and activities by the days of the week as well. Young ones love being able to move the magnets around and accomplish their tasks!
- Practice writing my name
Is your toddler learning how to spell and write their name? Make it a goal for them to practice it 3 times per week (or daily if they are a bit older!). Getting a head start on their writing skills never hurts. Our favorite way to learn and practice writing is with this handy “write and wipe” book by Scholastic. It’s perfect because you can practice and then wipe clean with a cloth and try again. Fun and easy! This also makes for a great learning tool on the go as well. Check out the “Write and Wipe Learn to Write” book here.
- Try new foods
This one is a fun one for the family to get in on as well! Try a new dish/meal as a family once per week. Encourage your toddler to set a goal that they will try at least 1 bite of any new food that is on their plate! Exposing children to different types, tastes and textures of foods allows them to explore their palate and find foods that they enjoy. Who knows, you might be surprised at what foods they really like! A favorite at our house ended up being cabbage. Who knew?!
- Get outside each day
Most toddlers love to be outside but help encourage them to make it a goal to get outside for even a few minutes each day. Setting them up for learning that prioritizing getting fresh air and even some play time (ahem, exercise) is super important and fun! A little bit of activity each day is the perfect way for them to release energy and be ready to focus on all that a toddler must do in a day. Their little minds are always hard at work! Pretend play, especially outdoors, is one of the best activities your toddler can do in a day. Maybe this should be number 1 on our list!
- Learn a new skill as I get ready to go to kindergarten
It might be hard to believe, but soon our little toddlers will be off to school. But before they go, let’s have some fun and see if they can begin to learn a few new skills and tasks.
Tie my shoes – We have a FUN book we would love to introduce to your cute little toddler that’s all about tying, zipping, buckling, and snapping! The Melissa and Doug® My Shoes Cloth Book is soft and interactive and perfect for little ones. The colorful pages are durable and machine washable too. Whoop whoop! This fun book is recommended for ages 2 up.

Learn to dress myself - And while we are learning all about shoes, why not plan an entire outfit and learn about getting dressed and taking care of ourselves! Toddlers are amazing problem solvers and it’s a skill they undoubtedly will need throughout life. Meet our favorite plush toy perfect for teaching these skills, Teddy Wear Toddler Learning Toy by Melissa and Doug®. He’s cute and cuddly and he comes with buttons, zippers, snaps and buckles to name a few. Toddlers will love helping teddy get dressed and ready to tackle the day of playing ahead!

- Help my community
By nature, toddlers love to “help”. Around the house, at the grocery store, at grandma’s house. You name it, they want to help. It’s part of their learning and growing process and we love to encourage it! Why not take that helping character outside the home and start teaching our young one’s the importance of helping in our communities? Set a goal to once per month (or more for sure!) have your toddler help you rake your neighbors leaves or bring in their trash can. Or take them along when you volunteer at your church and encourage them to help you with the task at hand. Another fun option is to make it fun with their friends! Get a small playgroup together and head to the park. Have your toddlers help clean up the park area by picking up trash or raking wood chips back into the play area. Get creative and have fun!
- Draw a picture or write a letter to a family member
Grab your toddlers favorite doodle pad, coloring book or cardstock and let them create a masterpiece! Grab the crayons or markers, glitter and glue and all the fun art supplies and get creative making something for a friend or family member. Let your toddler’s imagination (and fine-motor skills) take off while doing something that will bring a smile to someone’s face. Once they are done with their masterpiece, consider helping them mail it to the intended recipient! From start to finish, taking the time to intentionally create something for someone else will not only bring a smile to the recipient’s face, but will also help our toddlers begin to think about how others feel and making them smile. Plus, it’s fun to watch for the mailman to pick up our beautiful letter and take it off for delivery!
Whatever fun goals and resolutions you and your toddler set, be sure to have fun and enjoy them! Goal setting with toddlers is meant to be an enjoyable experience for both your toddler and family. Gravitate toward goals that bring joy and laughter to your house.
Tell us in the comments what goals you are setting with your toddler! We would love to encourage them and watch along the way!